Supporting an industrial client with assessing and designing its sustainability strategy

Challenge: Client hired KAE to help shape its sustainability strategy design through ->

Client goal: Develop a comprehensive sustainability strategy with a vision, together with stakeholder communication design

  • Understanding where it currently sits on the sustainability scale

  • Developing its sustainability strategy

  • With continuous reassessment, reporting and stakeholder communication

  • Norway and key innovators globally

    Please note: the majority of our multi geographical research / interview effort is done in-house to ensure the highest quality of delivery

  • Competitors, clients and potential partners

    1. Overall goal setting

    2. Materiality assessment / competitor benchmarking

    3. ESG framework construction

    4. Current state assessment

    5. Goal and objective setting

    6. Future state gap identification

    7. Strategic roadmap design

    8. Action and KPI design

    9. Disclosure and reporting. Stakeholder communication

Delivery findings and recommendations containing:

KAE completed phase 1 helping the client to arrive at understanding of where it is currently on the sustainability journey, identify its strategy goals and set clear near to medium term objectives

KAE is now a holistic partner in the client’s sustainability agenda. Work on phases 2 and 3 continues

Impact for the client:

Client utilized KAE’s feedback in:

Designing its sustainability strategy


Helping the client assess levels of engagement with the product offering